
Ord can be tested using the following flags to specify the test network.

Most ord commands in inscriptions and explorer can be run with the following network flags:

Testnet--testnet or -t
Signet--signet or -s
Regtest--regtest or -r

Regtest doesn't require downloading the blockchain or indexing ord.


Run groestlcoind in regtest with:

groestlcoind -regtest -txindex

Create a wallet in regtest with:

ord -r wallet create

Get a regtest receive address with:

ord -r wallet receive

Mine 101 blocks (to unlock the coinbase) with:

groestlcoin-cli -regtest generatetoaddress 101 <receive address>

Inscribe in regtest with:

ord -r wallet inscribe --fee-rate 1 <file>

Mine the inscription with:

groestlcoin-cli -regtest generatetoaddress 1 <receive address>

View the inscription in the regtest explorer:

ord -r server

Testing Recursion

When testing out recursion, inscribe the dependencies first (example with p5.js):

ord -r wallet inscribe --fee-rate 1 p5.js

This should return a inscription_id which you can then reference in your recursive inscription.

ATTENTION: These ids will be different when inscribing on mainnet or signet, so be sure to change those in your recursive inscription for each chain.

Then you can inscribe your recursive inscription with:

ord -r wallet inscribe --fee-rate 1 recursive-inscription.html

Finally you will have to mine some blocks and start the server:

groestlcoin-cli generatetoaddress 6 <receive address>
ord -r server